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Deep Thinking about Ourselves and Climate Change

The science of Climate Change is clear; it is real, it is serious, and it is bad. We must act fast. We actually know the kinds of things we must do in order to minimize, reduce, or even reverse, Climate Change. What is not clear is how to get there from here. How do we get the best solutions in place as quickly as possible? It is also not clear what, if anything, we as individuals can do. How do we find the space in our everyday lives to engage with solving Climate Change in a way that feels—and is—meaningful? I believe the second question is the answer to the first; we need to engage deeply as individuals to maximize our efforts at mitigating Climate Change. Through this Blog I explore the personal side of dealing with Climate Change, from how to feel and engage, to how to mitigate it and empower others to join in the cause.

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Discover Your Place of Power

Struggling with the Questions, Looking for Answers Back when I was in my crisis stage I was stuck asking myself what I could do. What...

The Six Americas

When it comes to our response to Climate Change, there are a lot of casual claims about what “people” do and don’t believe, or about what...

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Let’s celebrate, invest in the future, and offset our carbon emissions by doing something completely radical! Let’s...

Mid-life Crisis Part 2: The Resolution

Four years after Nolan was born, Natalie was born. I was surprised by the pure happiness I felt when I learned we were going to have...

Animal Behavior? Maybe. Birds? Heck yeah!

It is easy to give a pretty tidy summary of the first ~18 years of my life. I’ve got that narrative down pretty good at this point. It is...

Nature Girl Science Nerd

Story of Me, Part 2 My earliest memories are from Alfred, a small (pop. ~2000) college town in upstate New York. My earliest loves were...

My Midlife Crisis

Story of Me, Part 1 My own personal mid-life crisis crystallized as I was lying on my couch, sick with pneumonia, January 6 2012. My...

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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter"

Martin Luther King Jr.

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